Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A good example.

Okay here is an aside that speaks for itself. I don't have patience to keep up with all the pundits, so I am going to pick on Glenn Beck a lot. This is appropriate because he is very popular here in Utah, and we share a common religion (We both consider ourselves Mormons). Anyhow, on a religious note, tonight Glenn Beck considered why recent poles show nearly a quarter of Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim.

After dismissing Bob Schieffer's explanation that polls' results are a due to internet rumors (I received at least one email claiming Obama is a Muslim), Glenn blames Obama's confusing brand of Christianity. He cites Obama's "Apology Tour" as evidence of why Christians are confused about Obama's religious beliefs. Although Obama mentions nothing about his religious affiliation in the clip Glenn plays to support his assertion, Glenn creates a clever implication that the idea that American Arrogance in foreign policy is wrong is an Islamic belief.

Glenn then quotes a line from Obama's Audacity of Hope in which Obama describes himself submitting to gods will as he knelled beneath a cross. Glenn asserts that "Submission to his will, that's Islam.". Really, does Glenn, who so frequently touts his faith, no know that submission to God's will is actually what Christ meant when he encouraged us to be like little children? Or is it Glenn, rather than Bob Schieffer, that thinks you're stupid? He must at least think we're all stupid enough to attribute "submitting to god's will" as an exclusively Islamic teaching.

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